
Decatur Book Festival

Looking for something to do this Labor Day? If you love books (or at least like to pretend you do), head over to the Decatur Book Festival. Presenters include Colin Meloy (of the Decemberists), Natasha Tretheway, George Singleton, Clyde Edgerton, Kevin Young, David Lehman, Robert Olen Butler, Tayari Jones and many other writers and readers. Plus, a book market and street fair will feature hundreds of publishers, writers, and organizations, such as Wink, a non-profit writing workshop started by some members of the Trinity community (Booth #126). On top of all this, there will be good food and music! The festival activities run all day Saturday and Sunday. Find a detailed schedule at the DBF website at http://www.decaturbookfestival.com/.


Trinity Arts Interview Series: Courtney Garrett

Meet Courtney Garrett, a painter whose passion for both God and her work radiates in her discussion of creativity and process. Read on to learn more about community, grace, love, and the culinary potential of a pop-tart. 


Trinity Arts Interview Series: David Taylor

In gearing up for the Southeastern Conference for Faith & Art on August 13, it’s the perfect time to get to know our keynote speaker, David Taylor. As a pastor at Hope Chapel in Austin, Texas, David oversaw the arts ministry and adult education program. He also edited the book For the Beauty of the Church: Casting a Vision for the Arts. With degrees in theology (MCS) and biblical studies (ThM) and his current doctoral studies at Duke University, David keeps busy, but he still took time to answer our questions and translate some good advice. Read on to learn how he does it all.