
365 Days, 365 Stories

In a previous blog interview, we met Theron Humphrey, a photographer about to embark on a year-long project, meeting one person a day, every day, for a year, and documenting their stories through pictures and words. This Wild Idea will begin on August 1, 2011. Follow Theron and meet the people he meets at http://thiswildidea.com/ and on Twitter @thiswildidea.


Trinity Arts Interview Series: Stephanie Laubscher

Our newest interview is with Stephanie Laubscher, actress, singer, lover of words. Anyone who knows Stephanie, or has heard her lead music at Trinity, can testify to her beautiful spirit and grace, but you’ll have to read on to learn how she pushes through artist’s block, why it’s good to ignore your dirty dishes, and what she has in common with a tree.


Trinity Arts Interview Series: Helen Hale

For the newest chapter in our series, we’re hearing from modern dancer Helen Hale, who shares with us about dislocation, the Divine, the potential benefits of being half-horse/half-cheetah, and how to turn a piano into a light source. Read on to learn more.



It is just around the bend once more, Trinity Artists will be presenting 5x15 next Friday, July 8th at 8:00 pm.

On this special evening, 15 artists from the Trinity community will present for 5 minutes a piece. Artists will read creative writing, show films, perform music, and present samples of their work. It’s a great opportunity to see work from our fellow artists and celebrate the blessing of creativity.

Josh Jackson - comics

Mary Grace Phillips - dance

Thomas Lockwood & Aaron Hodgins - music

Charlton Cunningham - architecture

Mark Wynns - film

Angela Bortone - drawing

Shana Barefoot - painting

Michael Dunaway - film

Chris Barnes & Theron Humphrey - a travelling photo project

Lauren Hughes - photography

Wesley Holmes - cello

Ross Boone - novelist

and more....

We hope to see you at church that evening! Please park in our lots or on the street.